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四月二十一號,傍晚五點鐘抵達機場,拖著行李箱,等著背包客棧老闆來接機,同時,買下未來一年的專屬號碼。這間背包客棧出乎我意料之外地全是亞洲的朋友,香港,馬來西亞,新加坡,當然還有,台灣。老闆和老闆娘熱情地歡迎每一位剛到紐西蘭的旅人,這是一個,持續充滿歡笑聲地背包客棧。我被分配到一間四人房,和兩個同是台灣人住,分別是Paula和Anna. 卸下在台灣公關身分的面具,加上私底下不擅於社交的個性,她們兩個剛剛好的親切,稍稍化解我的不安。



打開筆電,進入電子郵件信箱畫面,有一封未讀郵件訊息:「四月二十四號來自Ruapehu Alpine Lift的郵件。」-郵件主旨斗大地標示著:「Interview notice」 喔我的老天!是滑雪場的面!試!通!知!早在今年二月份時,已在台灣先申請了北島滑雪場的職缺,這是其中一件,我選擇來紐西蘭打工度假的原因之一。信裡寫道,面試地點在離滑雪場最近的一個小鎮Ohakune,離Auckland約莫五到六小時的車程。接到通知信隔天,我立刻問了背包客棧老闆怎麼去這個小鎮,老闆說有巴士會到,所以,二話不說,上網預訂了車票。






















我一樣在這間Homestay待了約莫一周,正巧碰上紐西蘭Alpaca Expo,通常是五月初,或是十月份也有名為Alpaca national show的慶典,Vilia一早說要帶妹妹和弟弟去看草泥馬,於是我們所有的背包客,Alice、挖嘎和我便跟著一起到Auckland附近的一間小牧場,裡面草泥馬的數量不多,約莫十幾隻,但好可愛啊!我只有在台灣看過幾隻草泥馬,十幾隻在一起還是頭一遭看到! 因為牧場小小的,我們並沒有花太多時間逗留在那。順道一提,這是我,第一次感受到Kiwi的親切,我們剛抵達牧場準備停車時,已有許多車子停在牧場外,Robbie把車子往草地旁一開,一沒注意,車子輪胎就這樣不小心掉進溝裡去,不管怎麼後退,輪胎就是硬生生地卡住起不來,後來,牧場的工作人員看到,便說附近居民有重型工具車,應該可以把車子拉起來,於是幫我們聯絡了居民,沒多久,工具車就出現在我們眼前,順利地把一輪卡在溝裡的車子拉起來。好在如此幸運地有kiwi居民的幫忙,不然Robbie說請人來拖少說要花費200紐幣!果然是一個高消費國家阿...

*Alpaca Expo草泥馬節:紐西蘭有很多草泥馬牧場,每到五月及十月便有草泥馬節,牧場會免費開放給遊客進入,或其他園內活動 。

*Kiwi: 紐西人都自稱為Kiwi 。

這個城市,對我來說,沒有太多的驚奇,的確有一些美景,但可能是,太多亞洲人的臉孔穿梭在街上,街上也太多標示著亞洲文字的店面,所以,好像不是身在國外一樣,但毫無疑問的是,這一些我步行能到的美景,的確,撫慰了我在Auckland漫無目的生活的慌張 。

在Auckland,沒有待太久,又在街上晃個幾天,去去著名的Mt Eden和K Street,我便啟程前往滑雪小鎮...

This is not a good timing, I think, the one I don't really like to face it. It's like, I forgot something. I forgot the routines in my daily life; I forgot some friends' name of mine. Forgot the way back home from the town where next to mine; forgot the part which I used to be in Taiwan.

' is it.' 21st of April, arrive at the airport, standing in front of the electric store buying a new phone number, which will company me for the whole year. I booked a backpacker in advance before coming here. What the surprising me is, this backpacker is full of Asians, from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and of course, from Taiwan. Two of owners are enthusiastic to treat every travelers. This a backpacker where full of laugh. My roommates are two Taiwanese, Paula and Ann, they are friendly enough to relief my nervous mind.

In the night, I am sitting on the table and browsing websites to find a job. 'I just arrive here for two days!' I am getting on the train to work, just because I don't want to see my wallet is crying out loud. I always want to work in cafe in the other country, then I send a lot of resume from the websites. 'A lot of cafe do under table in the city center, they only pay you 8 to 10 dollars per hour without insurance. Think about it! Find something else is better for you.' 'Thank you.' I did'nt stop my fingers from the keyboard.

The next few days, I hang in around in the city with Whoopi, Cherry, who stay in the same backpacker. We walking on the streets excitingly and curiously, looking for new from this city. Auckland city center is not huge, but inclusive of wide area. The day we are on the way to the Franch market, the purpose is a famous crepe. The city center is so hard to find a parking lot that when we finally find a place, the market is finished. That's so sad, it'a only 12 o'clock! We are so surprise that the market finished so early in New Zealand. In Taiwan, it's running from the early morning to late afternoon...I was complaining in my heart. Then we walk to another market which is an attraction in my travel book. Again, we are surprising that only few people walking on the hallway. We browse the store and find that there is a paper stick on the window,'Recruitment-Wait staff'. I don't take resume with me so that I take a photo on it, go back to the backpacker, and ready to send one more email.

I switch on my laptop, the screen goes to my email address, and it comes one unread mail. 'From Ruapehu Alpine Lift, 24th of April-Mt Ruapehu Employment Application.

Holly shit! It's a notice from the ski field! This is one item that I want to do in New Zealand.

They mention that the interview place is in a town where close to Turoa Ski field, Ohakune. I searching with the internet and it's 5-6 hours from Auckland by bus. Next second, I have my ticket through the 'Naked Bus' website.

'Hey Sabrina! Here is one job vacancy in electronic pack house, they asking English ability, I think you may suit this one, would you want to take it? Only one vacancy.'

This backpacker has service of introducing seasonal jobs for backpackers. During the days I have stay there, they noticed me some job information quiet often. And most of vacancies are work in farms or pack house.

' Thank you, but I just got the interview from the ski field, I want to try this.'

After couple days, I was staying my room, preparing some interview questions. I know people thinking I speak good English just because of my accent, but I understand I need to boost it a lot before the interview date. In the mean time, the host still noticed vacancies to me.

' Are you going to the interview? Here are lots of job opportunities, just standing in front of your eyes. We have been tell you 5 or 6? But you rejected all of it.'

' Yes, I am truly appreciate it. I did not expect that I will receive the interview notice from the ski field. Now I got it, of course I will try, or I will regret.'

' Okay, but it's a far away from here and let you give up so many opportunities. Is it worth? And you are strange, why are you think that you might regret? If there is a chance comes to you, then just take it, you will not regret.' The host said.

' Yes, I want to try that.' I am surprising and feel happy that she is having a chat with me.

' okay, but it's so pity, you need to take bus for 5 to 6 hours. Is it in a remote place? Then if you don't get it, what are you going to do? Looking another one over there? Or come back? But it's far away! Won't you regret?'

' Well, I'll see if I don't get it, haha!' I answer.

What I am thinking is,' So I decide to have an interview because I don't want to regret! Is it hard to understand?' A small devil is rolling eyes in my heart.

I stay in this backpacker for one week only, backpackers stay in the same backpacker until get the job normally. During the time I was preparing interview, people were in the dining room, making dinner, chatting or playing games. I was not join them every time. Despite that I need my own space sometimes, I was preparing interview questions that I often stayed in the room by my own in the last few days. I had good relationship with guys, I mean, not too bad, but not too close.

Then I moved to the other backpacker were is closer to the city center. The owners were an Asian couple, Vilia and Robbie. I stayed a room with 3 other backpackers, 2 from Taiwan as well and 1 from China. I knew there are a lot of Chinese want to immigrate to New Zealand. She came few years ago as a backpacker, now she is trying to find a sponsor to stay in New Zealand.

' Hey! What kind of job are you looking for?' She asking.

' Oh, I just got the interview notice from the ski field. I am waiting for that.'

' Wow! Ski field! That's fantastic! What kind of job?'

' I know! I am super lucky! It's in cafe, I need to practice some interview questions.'

' Oh, I am looking for a job as well, I just apply an online professional CV check, with one interview. I am doing that after few days, I am so nervous! How about that's talk each other, do some exercise?' She said.

' Haha! You are joking, your English is absolutely great. I don't think I can give you a real test. But I can ask some questions if you want to.'

Then the next day I am holding a book with interview questions, pretending I am a interviewer...

I stayed in this backpacker for almost one week as well. One day morning Vilia asking all the guests in the backpacker to see Alpaca, it's Alpaca Expo day, in the beginning of May every year. We go a small Alpaca farm with not more than 20 Alpaca inside. They are so cute! I have not see so many alpaca in once. By the way, when we got here, the parking lot was almost full, Robbie drove the car way to the grass. Suddenly one wheel got stuck in the trench between the path and grass. He tried to drive backward let the wheel up, but it was not working. After a while, one staff in the farm noticed us and asking the neighbor, with a big truck and special tool, he tied a rope in tobar with tool, and turned on the truck, pulled our car backward, the wheel just came up from the trench! Luckily we got help from nice Kiwis that we don't have to spend NZ$200 for tow. It was the first time to feel kiwis' are friendly.

This city has some good views but not surprising me. It might be too many Asians and stores on roads that doesn't make me feel I am in the other side of the world. But there is no doubt, I catch these good views to release panic that came from these 2 weeks in this new country. Then I am holding the bus ticket, ready to go...

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