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Favorite spots for night views and relaxing:D 讓林貝最放鬆的夜景地

Here are few things I would like to do to release pressure in Macau. Jogging in the night, walking in relaxing places and see night views.

You know after being annoyed by customers and got noise from terrible tourists, I just wanna a peaceful, quiet place to chilling out, haha!

So, here are 3 places where all my favorites spots to see night views. One is the place where I went for run often, one is where I like to go for a walk alone or took my friends for picnic :D

在澳門能讓我感到放鬆的活動除了和朋友玩耍之外只有三件事: 1.晚上慢跑 2.看夜景 3.在湖邊海邊有水的地方散步發呆 (因為白天真得很吵阿~)



The first one is just close to my first dorm. It's call Reservoir, and its just beside the outer harbor ferry. It's a great place for jogging and there are some public workout facilities could be used. You can see lots of locals doing exercise over there. And there are many chairs around the pond.



The second spot where is close to my company, and famous as well. With convenient location connecting to the bus station, or you can just walk from many famous casinos. I took friends few times for picnic, or just sitting there alone, thinking nothing, chilling out myself. If you search on the google map, its call 'Public Safety Office', a huge white tent just set in front of Nam Van Lake. (Sorry I was just a bit out of control with lovely friends!)

第二個地方其實很多人都知道,因為它就在去澳門旅遊塔的路上,從新葡京走過來大概15分鐘。這個湖是南灣湖,湖外邊整圈都可以走,不過我最喜歡的點還是帳篷附近,去旅遊塔的路上會經過一個白色大帳棚,在Google map上面打「南灣湖帳篷」就看的到了;如果你是搭公車的話,在「南灣湖景大馬路」下車,往前走一點就是了。下午在帳篷底下野餐非常擋曬,如果是晚上的話,只要往下走,看水在那裡地墊往那邊鋪就對了!哈哈!林貝離開澳門前一天還硬要拉同事們來,因為是個美麗的聚會地方啊!只要帶一塊布然後叫外賣或外帶食物就行:D

The last spot where I just went for once, but the view was fantastic when the first second I stared. It's just nearby the spot where I just mentioned about. It's on the Penha hill, and there is a church on the hill. The church close at 17:30. So if you wan to have a look inside of the church, I would recommend that you get there at 16:30 or 17:00 (with a beer and snacks haha! ), and wait for the night view. Or you can have a look of the church and go down for food and back to the hill again. It's not difficult to walk up. There is a small park located next to the church, where the perfect spot to see the view.

最後一個地方,林貝雖然只去過一次,不過我覺得真的很美,第一眼,就被震住了。它在「西望洋山」上,上面有一座「主教山教堂」。說是山,但澳門山都很矮都很好走的!這個教堂下午5點半就關了,所以如果你想逛教堂也想看夜景的話,建議你們可以在傍晚4點多5點上來,逛一下教堂然後就坐在外面看夕陽等夜景吧!記得帶瓶酒跟食物上來才不會無聊XD 或是也可以走下去附近餐廳吃完再上來啦~


I am not sure if these places are special or not. But for those foreign workers who like me, I guess these are great spots to relaxing in this busy and unrealistic city.


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